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We want our pupils to look forward to each school day. Spending an inordinate amount of time the previous evening doing homework is liable to dampen enthusiasm. Equally, there is a need for children to develop the habit of working away from school and to understand that learning does not only happen within school.

From their first term, the children are encouraged to take work home. This will often include spelling or further practice in a particular skill such as reading etc. As the children progress through the school, the amount of homework will increase, as will the nature of the tasks. 

If you have any concerns about the amount or type of homework, please contact the class teacher as it is important that parents and teachers work together.

Homework patterns - You can expect homework to be set on a regular basis and details can be found in the year group newsletters on this website. We also hope that you will enjoy sharing reading with your children every day of the week.


Mathletics is designed to target maths fluency within a rewarding, captivating and safe learning experience. All children are able to access a range of curriculum activities which are backed up by interactive tutorials and audio support.

Across the school, teachers will sometimes assign activities as part of the homework package. 

To access Mathletics please click here.

Spelling Shed

Spelling Shed provides a safe, secure and engaging online world of learning for students to help them develop their spelling skills. There are a wide range of spelling games and activities based on a teacher-assigned word list. Rewards and certificates also keep students motivated. Look, cover, write, check – without the endless repetition.

To access Spelling Shed please click here